Saturday, 25 October 2008


Hello Jess,
I am really sorry for not answering on your messages. I wasn’t able to talk to anybody for last two weeks. Guess what happened? Dean left me because of the blond girl which we met in the shop. Do you remember her? The mental defective goose? So she seduced my honey! Now my heard is broken and I must think about them all the time. True is that our relationship wasn’t so good in last two months. I just wonder if it is worth doing to want him back. I am not going to mourn anymore. The advantage of this is that I can do a party on my own. I will invite Thomas well-known as a party animal and of course you, because that’s why I am writing you. So you really must come I promise you it will be a vibe with lots of revelers. Give my love to Erik

Hi Tit,
I am sorry for Dean. Forgot him, he is a fucker! Actually I have a prior engagement, but I will leave it for the next week. You are of course more important than anything. I am little bit angry because it is a short notice, but that’s you. You must tell me everything what happened since we haven’t seen each other. Tit I have a new boyfriend. He is perfect for me. Maybe I already talked to you about him. Can I take him with me? Erik is getting old and he is a party pooper so maybe we would get bored, but this young rabbit is a real party animal. Trust me we will not forget this party until we die. I am really looking forward to seeing you.
Big kiss Jess